Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If Family Guy and James Bond had a bastard love child you would get "Archer".

Saw this available for viewing through Netflix instant view and had to watch it. Funniest show I've seen since Family Guy, raunchy humor and full of politically incorrectness mixed in with some fun spy adventure stuff. Animated in a cool 50's comicbook style, making visually enjoyable as well. I sat and watched the entire 1st season in one sitting.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Frazetta Dies at 82

This news came as a bit of a shock. How can a man who creates images of powerful men and strong seductive women die. He himself being a strong and athletic person you'd expect, hope he'd live forever. I certainly wished I could have met him but the paintings left behind have inspired me since my youth. First encountering his art wen I was about 9 or 10 years of age and being totally blown away. I never believed paintings could be so exciting and full of action. With every pen stroke and brush stroke I strive to be at his level. Not emulate his style but to capture the same excitement and action he's able to pull off so easily. He's been a great inspiration to me and to many others and I'm sure he'll continue to be a great inspiration to many others. His physical body may have died but his spirit is still alive and kicking.
here's one of my favorite Frazetta paintings.